Olde Square Inn

Sunflowers are Blooming Along These Lancaster County Trails


We’re entering that great time of year when fields of sunflowers are in bloom in Lancaster County!

Whether you pick your own, attend a festival, or just buy a bunch at a roadside stand, sunflowers are linked with happiness, warmth, luck, and friendship.  Who doesn’t want that?!

Here’s where you can get your sunflower fix while you’re enjoying a final summer fling:

August 11-18 Saturdays and Sundays– Oregon Dairy. 2900 Oregon Pike, Lititz.

This place has been a favorite since my kids were toddlers and we’d go out to feed the sheep and get an ice cream.  Boy, have they added wonderful attractions and events to make it even more special. Admission. Learn more about their Sunflower Fest here.


Now – late August  – September Farm Cheese. 5287 Horseshoe Pike, Honeybrook

Not only can you take the walking trails to see the flowers, you can also stop in their store and buy some fabulous cheese. (You might want a little cooler.) Free, but don’t pick the flowers!


Late August – Cherry Hill Orchards. 400 Long Lane, Lancaster

You get to pick you own sunflowers here! They haven’t set the price yet, but while you’re there, ty might as well pick your own peaches as well! Admission


Labor Day-ish and beyond – Harvest Lane Farm. 851 E. Oregon Rd., Lititz

No charge for admission, but there is a price per each flower you pick.  Check thir FB page for updates.


September 2 & 9 – Cherry Crest Adventure Farm. 150 Cherry Hill Road, Ronks

They’re having a Sunflower Festival where you can explore SIX acres of sunflower and zinnia fields.  They’ll also have music, craft vendors and wine and beer. Admission


All are close to accommodations at Olde Square Inn!

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