Olde Square Inn

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May The Forks Be With You: Celebrate Cinco de Mayo With Your Ewoks

May The Forks Be With You: Celebrate Cinco de Mayo With Your Ewoks

In a galaxy far, far away…  …which may have been in Punxatawney where Pennsylvania’s famous groundhog lives or maybe at the vo-tech school in Brownstown (not sure), my fellow Home Ec. teacher Sam and I were attending some kind of cooking workshop. That was one of the best things about teaching the subject – our workshops were way better than

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Panna Cotta Recipe – easy and elegant!

Panna Cotta Recipe – easy and elegant!

You’ll be serving up Panna Cotta in no time with this (really!) easy-to-follow recipe. Our guests are always impressed with this light but luscious dessert, and I love that you can top it with some fruit or a sauce for even more of a wow factor. Panna Cotta is usually poured into ramekins, chilled until set, then unmolded onto a

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Baked Oatmeal: The Best Part of Waking Up (Besides Coffee)

Baked Oatmeal: The Best Part of Waking Up (Besides Coffee)

Baked Oatmeal wasn’t on my List of Deliciousness until I got this recipe from Awesome Tom. Awesome Tom, our B&B fixer-of-all-things, is kind of a Renaissance man. He repairs railings, fixes pipes, sands down doors, gardens, and can create anything out of wood that you might ask for.  He also bakes, cooks, and sews, much to the delight of his

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7  Fun Things to Do in January & February

7 Fun Things to Do in January & February

Holidays are over and we can all exhale! Now what? I can only rest up and do home repairs for so long when I start getting antsy to get out and do something fun. How about you? What I love about Lancaster County is the choice of activities, restaurants and events.  Tuesdays I can visit Roots Market in Manheim, or

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White Chicken Chili Recipe

White Chicken Chili Recipe

WHITE CHICKEN CHILI RECIPE My friend Lynn is coming over to help me with some renovations at the Inn, and I know we’re going to be hungry after all that hard work. As I always say, the neighborly thing to do is to make something good to eat. I love this recipe because you can throw it together with the

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Cookie Wars: And the Winner Is…!

Cookie Wars: And the Winner Is…!

Cookie Wars: And the Winner Is…! Back in the day when I taught Middle School, one of the great events of Parent Night was Cookie Wars. It was a Bake-Off off involving 7th and 8th grade would-be chef finalists. They were to create their signature cookie front of a live audience of adoring family, friends, and anyone who happened to

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Requested Breakfast Entree – Olde Square Inn’s Signature Quiche

Requested Breakfast Entree – Olde Square Inn’s Signature Quiche

One of our most requested breakfast entrees in our signature Spinach Quiche. What I love about this is that guests SO enjoy it, and it’s SO easy to put together. About a gajillion years and five houses ago, I was paging through my (then new) Betty Crocker Cookbook.  This was in the days before the internet was even a glimmer

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Trip Advisor Travelers Choice Award 2014

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Mount Joy, Pennsylvania